Hello My Dead Blog! I have come back to let you know that you and need to rekindle our little secret relationship. You need to be my mouthpiece to the world on this occasion. I have some thing I need people to know. Nothing of absolute importance. Nothing ground shattering but nonetheless vitally important to stir the hornet's nest in my head. Enough to let the juices ooze out of my little head. So what has let the gasket off! Let me pronounce to you - Iron Man!
This North American (read White) male persona - his attitude, his demeanor, - cut to the chase - being a male chauvinistic pig is what he does best. [Kudos to Robert Downey Jr. you have come a long way from being Alley McBeal's Boyfriend, and now that the bruises left behind by the shards of glass in your nose has healed you seem to pick movies a scanner darkly better than bang bang boom boom].
Dear Mr. Iron Man - as an all American hero making r tastit big - MIT magna cum LOUD, Rolling Stone cover, Your father made the atomic weapon and all! I would figured your tastes in women better than the first Vanity Far model, hey your taste in an all American meal was grand when you chose to eat the BK cheese burger, how come you drive an Audi R8 and sport a Bulgari watch?
Geography 101 for the patriots - when you pick you terrorists please make sure that you get them speaking the right language for starters. When you set them in Afghanistan have them speak Pashthun. Don't oscillate between Arabic and Urdu, that begins to remind us too much of your foreign policy. It helps when you have that figured out! Because the kids in the cinema house loved the part when Iron Man picked out the civilians and just shot the bearded men with Ak-47s and the Palestinian Ghothra.
Gender and Racial Stereotypes - The Iranian-Pakistani scientist who helps Tony Stark in the cave was an obvious choice to die. Gwenyth Palthrow was his handy dandy assistant who took his constant abuse because she loved her boss and the job. Terrence Howard a man of uniform also took shit from the millionaire-genius-brat because he was his friend. I tell you each summer the turn the clock a few millenniums back when it comes to any progress in these realms. It's like the good people at the major Hollywood studios rather pedal a few more seconds of screen time for a few more brands to cross promote. And to think this is just the beginning of the summer.
That's good enough for a rant for now. In the words of Jarvis, "There are Tera bytes worth of calculations to be made."
P.S. Watch out for the guy with the eye-patch!
P.P.S. "What?"
P.P.P.S. "Say what again? I dare you..."