Monday, May 30, 2005

The Greatest Silent Killer of'em All!!!

The cure for aids and cancer can wait ... They aren't half as lethal or dangerous as this situation at hand... It's not SARS Leprosy Anthrax or Small Pox... They can never be as lethal as this... The fatality inflicted upon the billions of ppl in it's name is mind boggling ... Yet u and i never pay attention to thru beligrent malady that floods us and flaunts itself and smacks us on our faces over and over again ... Napolean must have felt it at Waterloo, Hitler must have felt it creep down his neck as Colonel Winter brought his Russian conquest to a screeching hault... Gandhi must have felt the screams and scuffles as India got torn to shreds... What is it that has had it's universal prescene on the planet ... yet there's nothing that has been done to fix up the fiasco... Mother Teresa hadn't been able to soothe the one's aflicted by the damage... Pope John Paul never prayed to stop it's attrocities... the Dalai Lama never mentioned it ... Swami Vivekananda didnt seem to notice... those seven laps around Kabbah with those glorious chants of 'labayak allah!' never brought about any change...

So what am i raving about...... APATHY.... yes...apathy... student apathy... in colleges and universities ..after all the SNAFU and FUBAR they go thru on a regular basis ... they can care less... FACTORY WORKER APATHY... TEACHER APATHY... as a nation the citizen's engage in another distinct flavor of national APATHY... at hte end of it u just realize it's the biggest killer out there... and we're just doing absolutely nothing about it...

so y dont u just sit back and do jack shit abt it as well... hey u might feel this a piece of bullshit ... and this moron has nothing better to write about and i should tell him a word or two ...but dont !! dont bother... wtf... who cares??

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Quarter Century!

Ahem ... Ahem... There you have it ladies... I belong to the deluxe category of gents, who have accumulated enough time on the planet to have been acquainted to quite a few people. Having posted my quarter cnetury mark !!!

Here I am, Old enough to know my limits, and Young enough to exceed them.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Phoney Smiles Fake Hellos

I've come to learn one very very important lesson. Families should never be phoney. Oh! God No! Not the slightest bit. Dysfunctional is okay. Normal even. But please not phoney. Remember the line from "Pink - Family Portrait" 'In our family portrait we look pretty, let's play pretend that it comes naturally' [I think I kinda choked up when I first saw the video] Now each time I come across a family portrait where the folks in em are posing in front of a camera faking that smile; the men making sure that ties line up straight, the collars are right, the crease on the trousers are proper, the shoes are polished.

The women, the protocol and procedure is quite as elaborate as detonating a nuclear arsenal. The right angle "You dont want to look FAT on camera!" your camera side is the left half of your face so u have to have that side of the picture. The coats of makeup added on to pile up on your face to ensure that over the years the actual facial maladies are never to be deciphered be a viewer. Thanks to digital photography I guess they can relax, but no the fish scales have to be applied to the lips... various types of synthetic mud to the face .. Various grades of charcoal products to the eyes to make the lashes fan out ... Shaved Waxed permed oh my god facial hair on a female's face is truly the lowest low in the incarnation chart ... the inhuman treatment that as facial hair you'll be subjected to is just beyond comprehension of anyone.. except for those less fortunate few who spent time in a concentration camp.. they might know what i'm talking abt.. or conceptualize the sheer gross amount of pain ...

Back to the family portrait ... after these men and women have indulged in unhealthy levels of vanity and pose in front of a camera .. They are preserving shots of memory... which is supposed to remind them of a time, a place, an event ... how is what i cannot seem to comprehend... those fake smiles, the cognitive dissonance, the artificial pleasantaries.. WHY? who's this for? What are you accomplishing by paying some one to take a picture of u .. in the most ill fitting uncomfortable clothing u ever ..probably clothing u leave behind in the closet...coz there isnt anywhere to wear it [that reminds me of the lady with the red dress in Requiem For a Dream] u stuff ur self into it.. wipe the sweat of ur brow... stare at the mirror the photographer has one last time u practice the fake smile for the pic...

It's just outright disgusting... It's sickening coz u have to fabricate a reality to remember.. a pseudo-reality that will last for the length of shutter speed configurations... U need that developed film to look at ...and feel like "it comes naturally" ....

Before u forget ..vacation pictures are abt the fun time u had... like animals you have to be caught in your natural habitat.. doing what u do best!!! and then make funny faces at the camera... Dont wear a freaking suit and look like u have a hemmaroid the size of khilamanjaro stuck up your rear end ... that's not for your family vacation pix .. those are corporate mug shots ... government id shots... go ahead ... be that way... dont fake wedding photos... family gatherings .... and other events.. which mean things to u ... or are supposed to mean things to u ...
It's astonishing the lengths people go to, to make it look good, that's just botched...

That's that about portraits's something else to chew on ... how often do u hear a conversation ..and have ur gut churning up everything u ate over the last decade ..Coz jesus christ how many fake conversations can u stand before you have an Ally McBeal moment ... There's a threshold to the amount of bullshit you can stand... And i've always wondered what keeps these ppl going... what's their elixir of life? what keeps the faketronic processor churning those reposes... one after their other.. they dont have the guts to give u a straight answer.. they cant say yes or no for fear of being politically incorrect.. they cant voice a strong opinion coz it might offend somebody... and the superfical niceties just keep populating the major expanse of their conversations ..if they maybe called that... ppl ...learn to grow balls... voice your response could be right or wrong doesnt matter... learn to have an opinion ..and stand by it ... dont copy some one else's tastes coz it seems cool... or since u have associated with that particular school of thought/product... No!! mainstream media, technology, views, literature has nothing to offer the human mind...

Intellgent thought comes from free thinkers ... non-conformists ... have the niche to stick ur head out to do something other than the ordinary...i believe in the mantra i wasnt born to be mediocre ... and these phoney ppl remind me of how much they want to be a part of a mediocre existance.. free from the chaotic nature of true free existance... independence ....from standards set by industries society and all other bureacratic instituitions out there....or you could just sit back have one good look at life, go up to google and find out "answer to life, the universe, and everything" get the answer ..and just say "FAKE IT!"

P.S. answer=42

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Endaro Mahaanubhaavulu Andariki Vandanamulu

Why is it that we as people need to be awarded, gifted, appreciated in front of our peers to feel valid. Actors need award ceremonies to tell them they are good. Students need to be heralded for their respective laurels! Sportmen/women need to compete with each other excel and finally be accredited with a hunk of metal to show the rest of the world they are good.

Why? Why give peace prizes and nobel prizes? Who's ego's are being stroked in the process... Is an award a prosthetic that adds to the aura around an individual. Does a singer's vocal chords sound any better after he/she's been bestowed upon with a record contract and a half... thanks! Do soldiers turn into war monging deities with their bands colors and stripes...

Who is it for? Is it to inform the general public; look morons this individual strived way beyond what you lame excuses for human life forms ever will... This award he/she just won is to show you that your birth certificate is actually an apology letter from a condon factory. Your medicore existance means nothing to humanity. Go win something! and then come back, we'll give u a piece of paper that makes u special. It's a feather in your cap.. and what good is it there? It turns u into a super human... well.. a lil re-enforcement can do no harm... a lil caring, a good word , a regular thanks for the support would be cool.. but that never does happen now does it!

In our day to day lives we spend way too much times sprinting towards some dead line... sprinting to be the first ... to be noticed.. to be touched to be awarded ... to be a part of history.. to be remembered... for someone to flip thru our portfolio and document who we are.. on the basis of pieces of paper and metals in our possession... that's the only way the "-" on our tombstone will signify who and what we were are and will be ....

Those awards who and what r they for ...It's for those whining numb nuts who think they do the world a favor doing what they do.. it's for them to look up from their lil insignificant lives at some one who actually did something with his/her life.. went out and slayed a dragon, killed a giant with a single stone .. went out to battle for his brother's beloved.. yeah it's for them...maybe they need an award too!!!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Auguries of Naïveté

Thw world of mythology is rather intriguing to say the leas. But here's the best part the commonality in all those ancient world cultures regarding the same themes. How ancient mythologies who had no means of communicating with each other, said the same stories ... How did that happen? How did the same ideal scenarios and story lines get depicted in different stories without ever raising a red flag in ancient literature plagarism... Moses was sent to be raised from a pauper to a prince... Karna born a prince was raised a pauper... Orpheus and Eurydice made a pact with the devil ... but he turned back at the last minute to lose her...anyone remember the indian counterpart.. how similar is that to savthiri?...

Any way what got me thinking on thse lines is the multimillion dollar Star Wars franchise is coming out with yet another movie... and look at Darth Vader he was the chosen one .. but the dark side has invited him over... so now we all know what is to become of him ... hummm.... wasn't this the same Dilemma MT Vasudevan Nair's Chathiyan Chandu was in... wasnt it the same moral dilemma Acchilles was in ... wasnt it the same juxtaposition Karna was in? Warriors with immense power and talent ..groomed by their elders... With lovers who cheated them ... with teachers who betrayed them, with a new propaganda that's bewitching them ..with the megalomanic in them raging to come thru... Havent we all heard these tales before... but we'll be flocking into see the revenge of sith... it wont be james earl jones we'll be hearing thru the hi-fi stereo sound systems...but u'll be there wont u luke?