Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Endaro Mahaanubhaavulu Andariki Vandanamulu

Why is it that we as people need to be awarded, gifted, appreciated in front of our peers to feel valid. Actors need award ceremonies to tell them they are good. Students need to be heralded for their respective laurels! Sportmen/women need to compete with each other excel and finally be accredited with a hunk of metal to show the rest of the world they are good.

Why? Why give peace prizes and nobel prizes? Who's ego's are being stroked in the process... Is an award a prosthetic that adds to the aura around an individual. Does a singer's vocal chords sound any better after he/she's been bestowed upon with a record contract and a half... thanks! Do soldiers turn into war monging deities with their bands colors and stripes...

Who is it for? Is it to inform the general public; look morons this individual strived way beyond what you lame excuses for human life forms ever will... This award he/she just won is to show you that your birth certificate is actually an apology letter from a condon factory. Your medicore existance means nothing to humanity. Go win something! and then come back, we'll give u a piece of paper that makes u special. It's a feather in your cap.. and what good is it there? It turns u into a super human... well.. a lil re-enforcement can do no harm... a lil caring, a good word , a regular thanks for the support would be cool.. but that never does happen now does it!

In our day to day lives we spend way too much times sprinting towards some dead line... sprinting to be the first ... to be noticed.. to be touched to be awarded ... to be a part of history.. to be remembered... for someone to flip thru our portfolio and document who we are.. on the basis of pieces of paper and metals in our possession... that's the only way the "-" on our tombstone will signify who and what we were are and will be ....

Those awards who and what r they for ...It's for those whining numb nuts who think they do the world a favor doing what they do.. it's for them to look up from their lil insignificant lives at some one who actually did something with his/her life.. went out and slayed a dragon, killed a giant with a single stone .. went out to battle for his brother's beloved.. yeah it's for them...maybe they need an award too!!!

1 comment:

El said...

Well...thazz a lil cynical.aint it?
i think a compliment, appreciation, a positive stroke, if its genuine makes u feel good abt yourself!
An award is just a way of acknowledging good talent and it keeps alive that spirit of healthy competition!
Every boy who has done that filthy chore needs a lil pat on the shoulder!
but i do agree that these days awards and accolades are a lil overrated and it has become a yardstick for measuring success. now, that's a lil sad!