Monday, May 30, 2005

The Greatest Silent Killer of'em All!!!

The cure for aids and cancer can wait ... They aren't half as lethal or dangerous as this situation at hand... It's not SARS Leprosy Anthrax or Small Pox... They can never be as lethal as this... The fatality inflicted upon the billions of ppl in it's name is mind boggling ... Yet u and i never pay attention to thru beligrent malady that floods us and flaunts itself and smacks us on our faces over and over again ... Napolean must have felt it at Waterloo, Hitler must have felt it creep down his neck as Colonel Winter brought his Russian conquest to a screeching hault... Gandhi must have felt the screams and scuffles as India got torn to shreds... What is it that has had it's universal prescene on the planet ... yet there's nothing that has been done to fix up the fiasco... Mother Teresa hadn't been able to soothe the one's aflicted by the damage... Pope John Paul never prayed to stop it's attrocities... the Dalai Lama never mentioned it ... Swami Vivekananda didnt seem to notice... those seven laps around Kabbah with those glorious chants of 'labayak allah!' never brought about any change...

So what am i raving about...... APATHY.... yes...apathy... student apathy... in colleges and universities ..after all the SNAFU and FUBAR they go thru on a regular basis ... they can care less... FACTORY WORKER APATHY... TEACHER APATHY... as a nation the citizen's engage in another distinct flavor of national APATHY... at hte end of it u just realize it's the biggest killer out there... and we're just doing absolutely nothing about it...

so y dont u just sit back and do jack shit abt it as well... hey u might feel this a piece of bullshit ... and this moron has nothing better to write about and i should tell him a word or two ...but dont !! dont bother... wtf... who cares??


Ajnu said...

Procrastination is my middle name....
and u just got me there...
I'm always Lethargic.......
I seriously have to do something about THIS...!!!

Daughter of the Cut-Forest said...

Woah. People wonder if i'm apathetic just cuz I don't cry in PUBLIC!

The Devil's Advocate said...

am i apathetic??...i think i am...shit...i think im as hollow as a tin can...

El said...

Apathy....hmm...well, i always thought that a turtle would be my animal representation! that lazy, droopy eyed drawn in,lil no one,living in its own world!Apthetic or simply pathetic. maybe tis just a part of me, or so i'd like to believe.

Arun Jacob said...

Main Entry: ap·a·thy
Pronunciation: 'a-p&-thE
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek apatheia, from apathEs without feeling, from a- + pathos emotion -- more at PATHOS
1 : lack of feeling or emotion : IMPASSIVENESS
2 : lack of interest or concern : INDIFFERENCE

It was wonderful to see all of you take time out to reply to it ...And i'd have to admit, the knee jerk reaction u might have had to respond was quite anticipated ...

PS. this is turning out into an entry of it's own i'm switching platforms...

PPS.i'm referring to the lack of concern brand of apathy...