Monday, July 11, 2005

September 13th, 1752

There is this distinctive element of pleasure that is to be derived from orchestrating an event. To have mastered the whole situation and all the variables that is to be an encountered in the system. It's quite invariably pleasurable to master this artform.

Through history myth and legend alike have amassed, plundered and pilaged through with knowledge of this artform; the Chankya Sutra, The Art of War, The whole Shakuni escapade, we have Shikhandi as the front man in the fight against Bhishma. Through every mythology, you find this elite event coordinator.

Now the beauty of this individual is how well laid out thought out are his/her operations. And it is in the occurence of the event itself that they take pride in and not the egoistic pleasure of having to be accountable to it. I'm sure the ppl behind JFK's assasination would grail. The folks who got the Bush elections to be a success will agree.

The people who control what happens in front of you, where the average joe blow is quite unaware of the calculations that took place to make it happen. that is sheer brilliance... War monging soldiers well never know the intricate delicacies that espionage can serve.

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