Friday, July 16, 2004

Sai_Ka_Dalai_ick Evangalist

In order to let the mind unfurl and unravel into the meandering unknown of the everlasting universe of eternity. Out human senses need to be expanded within it's present confines and limitations together with the binding walls of conformity we shall never get to the higher strata.
Our neural cortex is under stimulated at it should be jerked around more often to truly understand our true potential. More than ever we realize how much possibility lies ahead of us... Haven't you felt that time slows down to accomodate a Million actions right before you hit the floor when you're on a Motorbike cruising along and headed for that vital fall. In those few seconds that just precede the actual happening Time slows down for you to accomadate an eternity of spinal synapsis. Couldn't we integrate that moment to fill a larger confine. To let it fill the shape and size of the container in which we store our life. 
Would we need enhanced sensory organs to encapuslate those experiences over larger periods of time ... Can we premeditate a Deja vu experience? Or summon a dej vu at random instances in waking time. Would it be detrimental to our environment? Would we be dealing with control domain of time as we bend it and enter another dimension.

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