Monday, August 16, 2004

Half Blood Pauper

How weird is it for people to have a ten(that's just a number) faces ... I mean how on earth and how fake and stupid is it that we have to continually keep selling ourself as something we are not ... Is it worth the hassle we go through... do we lose track of who we are this chaotic commotion it like do we all get a chance to be John Malkovich... and when we eventually turn into Malkovich do we forget ourselves completely does it reach a point of no return where we turn into a shallow pitiable Gollum of our previous selves... Is that what greed and selfish vanity does to each of us?

Look around you find mutated freaks ... Freaks who don't remember who they are where they came from where they are headed to why they turned into this vulgar grotesque human form... Indeed a matter worth pondering over... How much of pain should be inflicted upon each of us to be tempered into that perfect human ... Is the die we are all cast in so different that some of us are scouraged over and over again to bemuse some the creator... Is this hand picked society that we have been made to dwell in .. the people we have been asked to work with live with ..upto his discretion... Then why does he show the tip the tip of the iceberg and take it all away from you.. Is this life a compilation of trailers and teaser trailers previews and glimpses into a time that will be.. or a hallucigin induced present is the only way we can experience it....


Ajnu said...

"........." ... your simply the BEST with words... lov ya.

Lord Avi said...

aaah yes... our multi-face[d/ted] society... well written bro