Thursday, August 19, 2004

Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit.

Here I am ... I'm at a juncture in time .. where in I shouldn't be .. how do i put it.. I'dnt know's totally fucked up... Nothing colateral has occured .. but all that has is enough to send me spinning whirring and wired up for an eternity.. I didnt have to hear a series of crying over the phone.. it did me no good.. and how much of good is coming out of the whole ordeal.. none that i know of... but here we are at it again... Bah.. i dont want to rant about it.. too much of negatvitiy is the only thing bound to come out of it....

"Sunishcitam Aashcaryavat"


Lord Avi said...

oh my god dude... what the fuck did that mean???...


Ajnu said...

Seriously achacha, neither did i understd anything!!!.... like what the hell was tht supposed to mean????