Thursday, September 30, 2004

i am "tHe fOOl"...

The Fool Card
You are the Fool card. The Fool fearlessly begins
the journey into the unknown. To do this, he
does not regard the world he knows as firm and
fixed. He has a seemingly reckless disregard
for obstacles. In the Ryder-Waite deck, he is
seen stepping off a cliff with his gaze on the
sky, and a rainbow is there to catch him. In
order to explore and expand, one must disregard
convention and conformity. Those in the throes
of convention look at the unconventional,
non-conformist personality and think What a
fool. They lack the point of view to understand
The Fool's actions. But The Fool has roots in
tradition as one who is closest to the spirit
world. In many tribal cultures, those born with
strange and unusual character traits were held
in awe. Shamans were people who could see
visions and go on journeys that we now label
hallucinations and schizophrenia. Those with
physical differences had experience and
knowledge that the average person could not
understand. The Fool is God. The number of the
card is zero, which when drawn is a perfect
circle. This circle represents both emptiness
and infinity. The Fool is not shackled by
mountains and valleys or by his physical body.
He does not accept the appearance of cliff and
air as being distinct or real. Image from: Mary

Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, September 26, 2004


it kinda baffles me at times ... the emotional rides that go thru my head.. what was i thinking off at the time.. if that faculty was functional at the time.. Here are my present predicaments .. if all it takes to conjure up emtions with in the human brain is a couple of meural synapse reactions to a varying array of correspondong reactions to high dopeamine and testosterone levels with low serotonin levels... then why does love evade those who crave it ..... and where does the chemical spectrum end and the human element kick in... and wher do the human vices like greed envy wrath and all those lucartive human factors figure in ...

so when biologists talk abt breaking down romance and love into chemical ingredients .. will the ever be capable of doing so? and when poets talk abt the unending nature of love itself
..will they be ever proven wrong... where does one draw the line.. when do we figure out how to manipulate our inner irradicate the inner feelings of hate and frustration... or fury and anger....

As for now cannibus will have to do...

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


An intergallatic sex trade worker.... Or a hyperspace pimp... or life forms from another realm brought to our time domain for the sheer purpose of sexual gratification .... Gladiators fighting for their lives in intergallatic arenas.... Would the future of the human race be free from these kinda ideas... Would porn involve mutants with green seminal fluids and purpule vaginal discharge...... How would treat this third race of beings on our planet...

Their sheer purpose of existance being for the purpose of recreational sex .. or if our genetic engineers employ their true potential give them access to un human strength and no sleep requirements ... where they are not truly cyborg and not exactly aliens on intergallatic sex permits ...would there be technosexuals with online simulations of aliens ...would AILFs be the in the thing.. would the arabs marry this new race? would the queers accept them... would the hindu fundamentalists deprive the access to the country... would the colombians use them for drug trafficking... would the palestinians get them to throw stones for them... would the taliban cover them up... would the republicans enroll em as a potential vote bank for dubya in florida?

Would Pepsi Coke Microsoft McDonalds and the Catholic Church be still around.... or what if they all amalgamated into a united entity by Pope William Gates III...

Monday, September 20, 2004

ScAm of the Universe...

From the creation of time; if there is an an we humans have engaged in. I guess that would be scheming... Scamming to sucker the fool out of his money... out of his wealth .. out of his position of prosperity ... and acquire it... hey Lucifer played Eve... Cain played Abel... we've been scammed out of our wits .... and is there anything that has been done about the predicament .. We get fucked over and over and over and over again...... Yet each time round .. we end up doing the same thing... bend over and take it in ...

Through the course of the last century we saw Operation Mince Meat fool the all mighty Third Reich... Sell the Eifel Tower... not once but twice... stock markets and fool hardy entrepreuners run into scammers and con artists all the time ...

Ever think what the Matchstick men of tommorow are going to be like? What are their deals going to be... How r they going to scheme you out of your money?

"A plot of land in downtown Mars... Oxygen pipeline to your house ... with that underground waterbed 16 km under the surface you have nothing to worry about .. it's a great spot .. the kids can go to college in Jupiter.... The Uranus University is reknown throughout the Universe... It's an ideal location ... My wife works at the Uranium plant in Pluto and she's back from work in 1.6 Parsec. You should check out the condominium we have going for sale right now... Work will start by the end of the intergalatic calender year... Just as soon as our hyper market project in Neptune is completed ..we should start this one... it is bound to sell out on the galatic online bid. The virtual tour will let you have a feel for the location... So what do u say? Shall we seal the deal?"

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

One Thing

What is loud? When your testicles jump around in merriment with the sheer thud of the bass.. and the ears are no longer responsible for maintaining your hearing privilages any more .... yeah that's when i'd call it loud... standing right in front of 14 feet speakers ...with music blaring out of it at ungodly decibel levels ....

What is being close to the lead singer of the band? When the lead guitarist jumps around on stage soaked in his sweat ... and does a lil head banging session .... and the beads of sweat fly into your direction to be captured by the lenses of your glasses.... YEAH !!! you're close enough.... Hey i went a mile further... i was moving around their equipment for 3 hours after the whole concert was over .. way past after the groupies had left.. with the crew and the techies ... It was awesome...

So what am i rambling about.... I was at the Finger 11 concert yesterday night.... and it was down right awesome... loud live music rules.... apart from being not just drunk enough ... (2 pitchers of beers ) humm.... it was great...

Well .. that's 3 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours or more ... gosh i'm still kicking and screaming ... i had a booking made for a short xmas break ... i dont want to pin my hopes on it too much...

Oh well !! that sums it up for the night and the happenings of the day...Cheerio...

Monday, September 13, 2004

Sniffles of Silence

When the days are crowded with mundane daily activites that drain the life force out of you... It takes quite a lot of dedication and effort to come up with some alone time .. or to do something that makes you feel satisfied... If the intention of this piece of writing was that ..and if this is any sign of what life in the days to come is going to be like I wonder...What if romance like all other pleasures of life tends to take the back seat over the passage of time... When priorities change.... when turning over to the other side of the bed for 40 winks is considered a better alternative than a sweaty session of sordid love making...

Weird .... but if such is the entropy of the state of our being why is there nothing done about it ..Why doesnt man turn away from those activities that turn us into morbid drones... How do we go about enthralling ourselves and our sense of being or well being perhaps... to shatter the narrow domestic walls ...that governs society and sanity and all those jurisdictions that are perhaps the very threads that keep the wheels of society moving and turning .... as each of us yearn to dwell in a euphoria of our own ... to set forth on endeavors that are worth more .. that fill the cups of our spirits.....

But it shouldn't be such the case that we dwell in our own scheluded lil' worlds where none have privy to .. We shouldn't let that inner child in us perish for the sake of all those other goons... And never let us wander off into the blue yonder where the skies kiss the seas in that immortal plane where the worlds merge...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The Purple Danube

The ways of the world are beyond human comprehesion or is it mere state of being that we set our selves fall into. To let the oppresser's keep doing their thing and the suppressed ones keep feeling dejected... How wrong is it to rebel? what causes the rebel in all of us to function at different levels ... How different am i from the starving child in Ethiopia ... The child prostitute in Bangkok.. The drug peddler in Colombia..or Paris Hilton for that matter... what laces in the Karma in all of our well being to fragment out for that matter into various parts of the spectrum of human existance... from sher pitiable absolute riches... how justified is the human race in matters of their well being...

My personal vendetta lies in the fact that health, education and food should never have turned into saleable commodities... and when the victorian norms of society; not to mention the curse of organized religion that we have subjected ourselves to .. over the centuries we have blanketed ourselves with their norms rules and regulation to make us function as a sane society ... well wake up and smell the coffee ... Sex Sells.... look around u prostitution, pornography, BDSM, homosexuality, this and all the other millions of variations of the norms and problems we have created outta turning sex into a big BOO-boo... had we let things the way the dravidian indians, the ancient greeks the incas and mayans left it ... maybe we would have progressed at a better peace .. rather than the turmoil of wars and exploitation.. and human sufferrring that we have gone through in the centuries in between...

poetry blended with a dash of rhythm ( math) makes music.... and those of us humans with any emotions left in us know Music speaks to us in a language quite different from any other spoken tongue .. it deals with a seperate area of our thinknig faculty all together... isnt it those simple pleasures of life we should tap into and maintain a sane state of being...

that was a tangent in thought train right there ... so any more coherent information to flow thorugh out of this endeavor seems highly unlikely .. coz there's a part in me that kicks in to sa i'm bored let's do something else all the time ... call it the untamed inner soul.. the inner child that pretty much rules the place ....yeah more than likely... so that sums it up for the day ...

it was the first day back in college... was pretty good... lots of eye candy... 2 pitchers of beer... and got thru the day amen...

Sunday, September 05, 2004

A Vagabond's Guide to the Astral Planes

I'dn't believe it myself initially but now that i've done the reading up .. I'd haveto acceptit .. I did have acouple of Astral Projections.. and it was spectacular... on the last encounter though i did hear a conscious part of me tell me i'm not ready for the rest of the journey... i was soaring through the skies .. beyond the yonder.. into an unknown universe the cool breeze of the wind fluttering by was amazing .. i was hanging on to bar of some kind .. sort of like handgliding ..into this cosmic realm.. and quite a while into the journey the astral self gave way to the fears of the conscious self and my journey ended...

Initally i thought of them as just dreams... but now that i look at it ... that imaginary city that i fly through... the neon green lights of the futuristic city out of some neo-cortex, or a fractal plane of some kind ... i travel through it ... i was sceptical of the first few journeys .. but then i remembered haing been here befoer .. and i was hovering over the terrain over and over again till the geographic dispostion was second nature to me.. i guess i gained canfidence in myself over this region and it wasnt till later that i went on to that other journey...

If they were what i think they are.. i'd truly appreciate more of such experiences and suggest everyone i know of to strive towards attaining it ..

Friday, September 03, 2004

Chicken Soup For The Horny Soul

There you have it ... Here I am finally punching out something fiarly readable and coherent... Amoung the vast majority of ideas and thoughts that has had my mind walloping through .. I have come to terms taht not punching it down is not working in my favor but rather a look at it in the verse does mend and tend to the dilapidated soul with in...

So where do i begin ... The last couple of days has been rather hectic to say the least... been busy with college activities... Orientation and stuff... the honest to god truth is to get away from the solitary confinement i call my residence... now that i dont enjoy a really hard core solitary confinement... But for a guy who has been a Vagabond since he was 16.... i lived on my own since... and 8 years later people put a curfew on you ... what time you get home .. how much of access you get to a PC... how much of TV you watch .... low and behold here me rumble .... ,,,, ... there you have it ... my response.... ppl keep asking me why they dont see me online why i aint doing stuff like download a movie or two a teleseries or two a game .. a cpl of 1000 mp3s.. coz i fucking dont have access tothe one true love of my life ... a Computer god damn it.... Hey i remember when i was in any solitary confinement ..back home in jeddah, my PC died on me for no particular reason and i couldn't get it work after half dozen fuck fests i had with it .. so i had sent down to the shop and i get back home... i wake up in the morning and for once i felt alone and scared being alone... so i walked down to Avi's place... now is that a sign of how pathetic i am... and now they tell me i cant have a PC to access at my own leisurely pace.. fuck that shit Fecal dissmissive!!! ... Oh well !!! When life kicks me in the nuts i've learnt not to take it lying down there ... been around the bloack far too many times to know that... I get right up ..maybe it takes a while but i'm back at game... I feel like a cornered animal most of the time... People push me into that corner.. and i hybernate in there that distant lonely corner of mine away from humanity ..turing into an agorophobic... is it doing me any good .. i highly doubt it ... but atleast that way i get to collect my thoughts and come back at you.. and honest to god.. u dont want to be on the wrong side of the fence when i'm out on the prowl...

The number of times i've lost the simple pleasures of life is unfathomable... I hear stories from the kids i love .. and i shudder within .... tragic ...absolutely pathetic i thought i carried the cross for them all... Leaving home at 16 isnt pleasant ... far from it rather .. and today the scars have healed .. u've picked at the scabs long enough... and you thought it had all come to an end... In the words of Michael Corleone.. Just when you thought it was all over.. they pull u back in ... Jethro baby brother u didnt have hose tears u did... u dont have to go thru the pain of losing family ... that was supposed to be all over.. Tearing the fabric of family and dispersing it over the globe is the most hiedous crime one can ever come it .. take siblings away from each other in the prime of their youth... absolutely catstophic... it must be the work of satan... it must be the cain and abel he wants us to dwell with in each of us... the sheer agony of it all...

those kids are so full of love for each other and the people around them.. one look into their eyes and u can see an eternity of love fly by ...why have they forsaken thee? and here in the artic capitalist jungle.... a latchkey generation breeds where love is a FMCG..and lasts only as long as u can provide with em the item on the shelf with all the bells and whistles... they lack the glow in the eyes ... u see and void ..a darkness.. an incomprehensible generic garble that was picked up from the boob tube is what reiterates for spoken language... there is no finesse .. no true picture of their emotions ... their gestures capture nosings of happiness.. it's so shallow... it hurts to see the slime bags pursue their lives ....disgusting... and even more so is the fact there are those amidst them who mimmick this scavenger way of life... how much lower down the food chain and circle of life can u go...

As the average reader can feel the venting of negative energy ... which is my last goal out of this ... i shall get back at this when my mind can conceive a angelic creature .. and not the demonicbeast that will most likely be the beast of this fornication ...