Sunday, September 26, 2004


it kinda baffles me at times ... the emotional rides that go thru my head.. what was i thinking off at the time.. if that faculty was functional at the time.. Here are my present predicaments .. if all it takes to conjure up emtions with in the human brain is a couple of meural synapse reactions to a varying array of correspondong reactions to high dopeamine and testosterone levels with low serotonin levels... then why does love evade those who crave it ..... and where does the chemical spectrum end and the human element kick in... and wher do the human vices like greed envy wrath and all those lucartive human factors figure in ...

so when biologists talk abt breaking down romance and love into chemical ingredients .. will the ever be capable of doing so? and when poets talk abt the unending nature of love itself
..will they be ever proven wrong... where does one draw the line.. when do we figure out how to manipulate our inner irradicate the inner feelings of hate and frustration... or fury and anger....

As for now cannibus will have to do...

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