Friday, August 26, 2005

Les Indespensables De Arun Jacob

I have come to accept the true penetration of confusion, Confusion that dwells within.. Confusion that finds place within the deepest darkest corners of the human psyche.. One that resides amoung th e loftiest of you and me...

Confusion, the horror of this pain it brings, a pains that stings... a stinging we dwell on ... we accept because a narcisstic streak within us calls for this paiin to keep on inflicting it self upon us... the claves knaw into us sucking the life force of our very existance away from us... but there isnt a fear in our minds which ios a vacous entity now for fear and confusion have taken hostage of what used to be afeasible thinking faculty now home to this weird sensation that we have come to hate but havent had the courage to uproot from within...

So who feeds this demon that grows and gathers allies and gets stronger with each passing day ... the priests within have lost their pwoers to conduct the required ceremonies of exorcism which might have been the last hope of rekindling the past .. but we have come to terms that the past will never be back ..and this wild being that has taken control of the realms of the mind, we have to accomodate this being..for it holds divine powers .. the likes of which we have never seen before.. an entity that gains strength in a given instant... a whiff of the slightest fragrance, a bright color ..a melodious tune...this enemy is turning out way too strong for mere mortals to combat...rather it would be better to ally ourselves with this embodiment of all things undescribable

where is this fear coming from ... is it a generalized fear of all things alien and new ... am i afraid of this new entity that i havent been able to figure out yet... is it my ego that cant handle the fact that this might be it's waterloo... this might be an enemy i cant subdue ... who am i dealing with... and why is it that as much i want kill this nemesis .. i'dn't mind dying in his arms ...

how much pain and suffering must one amass, be inflicted upon before one finds the courage to stand up before this fiend or is he/she a friend..

Why do you do this to me 'Love'?


Ajnu said...

you seriously sound like Hannibal Lecter.... no jokes...!

Lord Avi said...

let them/him/her know asshole....

its what i always say but its true....

never let confusion stop you... confusion is what breeds normalcy... normalcy is never usual... confusion is good... its just a phase on everything...

El said...

This is so funny. YOU OF ALL PPL?!! i still find it hard to believe.

If things were simple and plain and normal, this wud have been quite boring....cheer up....embrace whatever it brings with it..confusion, pain!

And who can handle confusion better than the Man-boy anyways!

Wg Cdr P David said...

Confusion is like Entropy. Left to itself, oneself we would all end up there..wont we?